
School Wide Curriculum

At Goodwill International School, we integrate the most renowned pedagogical practices, the Finnish curriculum, to provide a personalized and purposeful high quality education in accordance with the Lebanese curriculum. Our KG 1 to Grade 11 curriculum provides a truly international education that is relevant to our local but diverse student body. The main language of instruction is English; however, since we value the richness of languages, all students have the opportunity to study Arabic and French across all levels.

From the early years onwards, ‘learners have an active role in what and how they learn, and truly hold a key to unlocking their own potential’ (Education Finland). Being a Child-Centered school, GIS offers learning that is personalized to each student’s abilities to maximize his/her strengths and to support them to overcome their challenges. Every student’s progress is monitored and thoroughly followed daily by our qualified faculty.

Early Childhood Division – KG1 till KG3

At this early phase, there is a strong emphasis on Learning through Play. We strongly believe in letting children be children and focusing on the overall wellbeing of the child. Through a carefully designed, thematically structured, research-based curriculum, students gain cognitive skills and hands-on abilities to help navigate everyday challenges which serve them well throughout life. Moreover, all thematic activities are planned around the holistic wellbeing of the child, supporting their overall development and learning journey through an interdisciplinary connection of all the subjects listed below.

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Literacy in English Language
  • Arabic
  • French
  • Music and Movement
  • Visual Arts
  • Phenomenon Based Projects
  • Yoga
  • Physical Education

Elementary Division – Grades 1 till 6

At GIS, what holds true and what distinguishes us in our educational community is that we implement a highly Student-Centered approach to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to excel. Having a personalized learning path that caters for each individual’s learning style is at the core of the Finnish system. Our purpose is to engage our students to be active learners, and to take charge of their own learning process by making meaningful connections and recognizing relevant real-life applications.
We champion Phenomenon-Based Learning which is fundamentally anchored in overarching themes, aimed at cultivating 21st century skills in our students across 4 key elements: Communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Hence, by using an integrated approach, teaching and learning transcend subjects and empower students to view this interconnected world through a wider lens.

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Literacy in English Language
  • Arabic
  • Arabic as a Foreign Language
  • French
  • Phenomenon Based Projects
  • Visual Arts
  • Physical Education
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Middle School Division – Lebanese Program – Grades 7 to 9

The curriculum is set by the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) to ensure uniformity and quality across schools. Students of Grade 9 should sit for the National Official Exams which usually take place in a different school, usually within the vicinity of GIS, during the month of June.

Core Subjects:

  • Arabic Language
  • English Language
  • Mathematics – Algebra & Geometry
  • Science – Physics, Chemistry, & Biology
  • Social Studies – History, Geography, & Civics

Additional Subjects:

  • Physical Education
  • Art/ Music
  • ICT
  • French

Secondary Division – Lebanese Program – Grades 10 to 12

The secondary division is crucial as it is a preparatory cycle for higher education and professional as students must select the track of interest based on their capabilities and grades.

  1. First Secondary – Grade 10
    1. General Education: All students follow a common curriculum.
    2. Subjects: Include the following –
  • Arabic
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • History/ Geography/ Civics
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  1. Second Secondary – Grade 11
    1. Specialization: Students choose a specific track to focus on what they intend to study in preparation for university. The four tracks are:
      1. Literature and Humanities: Emphasis on languages, literature, philosophy, and social sciences.
      2. General Sciences: Emphasis on mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.
  • Sociology and Economics: Emphasis on economics, sociology, mathematics, and social studies.
  1. Life Sciences: Emphasis on biology, chemistry, and mathematics.


  1. Third Secondary – Grade 12
    1. Continuation of Specialization in the track of choice based on the previous year.
    2. Lebanese Baccalaureate Exam: At the end of this year, students take the national exam, which is a prerequisite for entering university. The exam is specific to each track and the covers the subjects studied.

Middle School Division – International Program – Grades 6 to 8

The program is designed to provide a comprehensive education that prepares students for the high school diploma by catering to students’ interest of what they might pursue at university level.

Core subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education
  • ICT


  • Art
  • Music
  • Foreign Language

High School Division – International Program – Grades 9 to 12

The program offers a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Social Studies
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Physical Education
  • ICT


  • Art
  • Music
  • Foreign Language
  • Drama/Theater

Community Service program aims at fostering a sense of civic responsibility and provide students with opportunities to contribute positively to their communities. The students are expected to complete a certain number of hours of service starting from Grade 9 as part of the requirements needed for graduation.

As part of our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), all students must attend an 18-hour Youth Effectiveness Training (YET) related to conflict resolution, overcoming fear, and building relationships. A follow-up session is done at the onset of every academic year.