D.E.A.R. 2018

D.E.A.R. 2018

“Drop Everything And Read” time, better known as D.E.A.R. time, is a time set aside in the classroom schedule for both students and their teachers to “drop everything and read…” D.E.A.R. time conveniently accommodates a variety of student’s interests and ability levels, since each student selects the book or books he or she wishes to read.

D.E.A.R. sets a vivid example of the importance of reading. When students are exposed regularly to reading all around them by their teachers and other members of the school, they realize how important reading is. It will also become important to them. D.E.A.R. hopes to encourage students, families, and educators to immerse themselves in reading. D.E.A.R. was inspired by Beverly Cleary (who wrote about the concept in her book, Ramona Quimby, Age 8) and it is officially celebrated on Cleary’s birthday, April 12th.

In preparation for this day, the students selected their own stories. The stories were read at home, and each student prepared a little summary of the story to present to the rest of the school. The presentation consisted of a brief summary and who their favorite character was.

The students were also dressed in their favorite character from the story. The presentations were highly enjoyable by all. Students presented in French, English and Arabic.

It was interesting to see the major improvements in some of the students’ oral capabilities since last year – fluency and self-confidence.

Throughout the day, the bell rang at different intervals. This was the sign – to drop everything and read. This is exactly what was done! For about 10 minutes, everyone stopped working and read whatever book was available.