Y.E.T / Youth Effectiveness Training 2018

Y.E.T / Youth Effectiveness Training 2018

Social and emotional learning is as pivotal as academic competence, if not more so at GIS. This greatly affects students in every aspect of their lives whether at school or elsewhere throughout their lifetime.

As such, our Middle School students attended an 18-hour Youth Effectiveness Training (Y.E.T.) during the first two weeks of school to empower them with the necessary personal development and relationship skills some of which are listed below:

  • To be aware of their needs and concerns and those of others
  • To learn how to be active listeners by tuning in to others and building empathy
  • To make and keep friends by resolving conflicts in a constructive manner through the understanding of others’ point of view and pin pointing the source of the problem
  • To set an action plan towards their goals in order to overcome their fears and therefore build their self-esteem and increase their confidence levels.

With gratitude, we thank Believe and particularly Ms. Tania Tabet for conducting this training. Each student received a certificate of completion from Gordon Training International, USA at the end of the training.