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Our Outreach Program

The aim of the GIS Outreach Program is to extend educational expertise not only to bridge gaps and enhance awareness, but to support students, educators, parents, and administrators by addressing certain needs and challenges in the well-being of all stakeholders within a school community.

This program is intended to foster collaboration and to strengthen community ties which in turn will ultimately contribute to the overall improvement of educational outcomes through:

  1. Professional Development:
    1. Workshops and Training: Hosting workshops, seminars, training sessions for educators from other schools to share best practices, innovative teaching methods, social and emotional learning strategies, and/or educational technologies.
    2. Collaborative Projects: Partnering with educators from other schools to co-develop curricula and instructional material.


  1. Parent Involvement:
    1. Workshops for Parents: Conducting workshops and seminars for parents on topics such as supporting children’s education, health, and social and emotional well-being.
    2. Family Engagement Events: Organizing family-friendly events that promote community involvement in education.


    1. University and Career Readiness:
      1. University Preparation Workshops: Offering workshops on how to complete student’s file as well as career planning.
      2. Career Exploration Programs: Providing opportunities for students to explore various careers through job shadowing, internships, and guest speaker sessions.
    2. Provide Services
    3. Build Relationships
    4. Empower Communities
    5. Address Inequities
    6. Collect Data: Gather information on community needs and feedback to improve services and tailor interventions or training.